“What is the relation between culture and globalization?”

What is the relation between culture and globalization? 

1. Summary
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration between people, businesses, and governments around the world. As a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, globalization is regarded as a form of capitalist expansion that includes the integration of local and national economies as a global and unregulated market economy. As international interactions increase, international trade, ideas, and culture grow. Globalization is an economic process of interaction and integration, mainly related to social and cultural aspects. Impact on globalization and global economic development Steam locomotives, steamboats, jet engines, and container ships are not only part of the development of transportation, but also the emergence of telegrams and their modern offspring, the Internet and mobile phones, shows the development of communication infrastructure. All these improvements have been a major factor in globalization and further increased the interdependence of economic and cultural activities around the world. (sources: wikipedia)
In other words, globalization is essential for the development of culture, and in this respect, globalization and culture are related.

2. Interesting point
'Cultural proliferation is the proliferation of cultural items such as ideas, styles, religions, technologies, languages, etc.It's interesting that. Music genres such as jazz and reggae began domestically and later became an international phenomenon. Globalization has supported the global music phenomenon by allowing music from developing countries to reach a larger audience. The term world music was originally intended for ethnic music, but globalization has now expanded its scope to include mixed sub-genres such as "world fusion," "global fusion," "ethnic fusion," and world fairs.

3. Discussion
Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural items such as ideas, styles, religion, technology, language, etc. Cultural globalization has increased cross-cultural contact, but may be accompanied by a decrease in the uniqueness of once isolated communities. What should we do to protect the uniqueness of culture in globalization?



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