Extra credit blog: China and globalization --- Chen Gui
China and globalization
1.Is globalization good for China?
It is very beneficial to Chinese culture.
To develop culture, it is natural to be inclusive, based on practice, absorb tradition, learn from foreign countries, and innovate by ourselves.
In the process of globalization, we can better absorb and learn from foreign cultures and develop our own culture, so of course it is beneficial.
2. Is China good for globalization?
China is good for globalization.
China should give full play to its leadership as a major country and feed back globalization
The current dilemma of global governance is rooted in the disconnection and contradiction between the existing global governance system and the status quo of world political, economic, and social development. Mechanism reform and improvement and innovation and creation of new global governance mechanisms. The main reason why the current global governance mechanism fails repeatedly is the lack of leadership. The era calls for multilateralism, and the key to successful multilateralism is the leadership of major countries. China has been the biggest beneficiary of economic globalization in recent decades. In the post-epidemic era, in promoting a more inclusive and resilient globalization, the rising China has the responsibility to assume international responsibilities commensurate with its own economic size and feed back globalization.
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