Reading Assignment 3: What is the relation between politics and globalization?


                       Political Globalization - delanty and rumford

1) Summary

In this book, the author highlights the multifaceted nature of globalization by introducing the globalization of politics, THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE NATION-STATE, NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP, THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE PUBLIC SPHERE AND COMMUNICATION, THE CENTRALITY OF CIVIL SOCIETY, and THE TRANSFORMATION OF SPACES AND BORDERS. The author argues that the relationship between politics and globalization is a dynamic rather than a new reality. Political globalization can therefore be understood as a tension between three processes. The interaction of these three processes produces the complex realm of global politics: global geopolitics, global normative culture, and polycentric networks. Also understand the basic characteristics of political globalization, involving the relationship between "political processes and territorial states". The author-led theme is how nation-states and sovereignty change form in the face of international political expansion and its attendant domestic/state influences. Referring to these multiple sites of political governance as polycentricity, political regulation occurs through interconnections between "municipal, provincial, national, regional and global sites".

I think political globalization manifests itself in many aspects of international politics today. The establishment of international organizations such as the United Nations and United Nations plays a role in international affairs, and can even take military action. Such as the Iraq war, terrorism, etc. are all manifestations of political globalization. In short, it is a matter of human rights and sovereignty. Human rights have no borders, and the international community believes that human rights are higher than sovereignty. The international community has the right to intervene in a country's dictatorial behavior that violates people's human rights. But this often becomes an excuse to interfere in other countries internal affairs.

2) Interesting point

In this book, the authors make the point that these stateless organizations have their own economic and political power, making nation-state claims of sovereignty problematic. I think of the establishment of the United Nations as the most authoritative intergovernmental international organization since World War II. When dealing with issues involving international peace and security, has increasingly affected the sovereign countries' handling of these affairs, and countries have no choice but to Integrate their own policies and actions into a unified international arrangement.

3) Discussion point

What do you think are the positive or negative effects of political globalization?


  1. Hi, I liked the way your article is made, your resume of the article is short but simple and easy to understand. I like the way you gave your opinion on political globalization, It made your blog post more personal and your reflexion is interesting but I would have prefer to see it in the discussion point. You have an interesting point but I think it would have been great to add that the United Nations failed on many plans and it's authority is based on the cooperation of the other countries, without it, United Nations can do nothing. Your question on the discussion point is a good one and could be asked in class by the proffessor. - Yasmine Harfouche


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