Reading Assignment 4: Economic Globalization--- LUANQIANYUE

What is the relation between economy and globalization?

Reading Assignment 4: Economic Globalization


Economic globalization is a result of the development of the world economy, which accelerates economic development, expands market horizons, and increases productivity. Economic globalization improves the efficiency of enterprises and plays an important role in the expansion of national economies. The authors believe that multinational corporations are the central players in economic globalization and the main shapers of the global economy.

-TNC and its activities are undoubtedly one of the keys to understanding urban and regional development in today's globalized world economy. The internationalization of economic activity and its main instrument, the multinational corporation, can simply be seen as part of the normal expansion process of capitalist development. In the context of economic globalization, the rising power and status of transnational corporations and their possession and control of wealth and resources have enabled them to stand alongside state authority in determining who benefits, resulting in the transfer of some power economic and even political from territorial states to non-territorial transnational corporations, thus having a very significant impact on the world landscape.

-The global business activities of multinational corporations have extremely rich geographical connotations, and the locational behavior of multinational corporations has far-reaching spatial effects - to a large extent, it stipulates the spatial order of economic globalization and the nature of the international division of labor. Therefore, it is of great significance to study in depth the geographical location factors of multinational corporations and the impact of their location behavior on the world economy.

(2) Interesting point

In economic terms, globalization is nothing more than a process of making the world economy an organic system that extends transnational economic processes and economic relations to an increasing number of countries and deepens economic interdependence ......

(3) Discussion question

In the context of economic globalization and the current economic environment, will governments have less and less influence on multinational companies, and why?



  1. I don't think the government's influence on MNC is going to get any smaller. MNC have advantages and disadvantages for the government, and in a globalized environment the government will control MNC, adjust taxes import and export and other aspects to protect local companies.


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