What is Globalization ? (Yasmine Harfouche)
Globalization is concept used in many field of study, like sociology, anthropology and also in politics. The meaning of Globalization is a subject that have been discuted a lot and is still discuted, since it's definition cannot be a 100% a factual, Globalization have many definition. Velho defined globalization as " an object, a perspective and an horizon". For Velho, the direction the world is going and it's population moving whitin it, is Globalization. Globalization has been discuted in the late 70's and early 80's, but this is subject is way more popular now. For me Globalization means how culture and country influence each others. In Globalization there is many interactions and the more of them the more globalized it is. The world is slowly but certainly becoming a single place, this notion is related to homogeneity. We might see in the future some small culture disapearing and see some big culture or a mix of culture becoming the new world. Dim...